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Buena Vista Park Community Day

December 10, 2023 @ 1:00 pm - 3:30 pm

Come join us at Buena Vista Park for a Community Day!

COVID-19 Safety Update:

The City of San Jose is no longer requiring volunteers to provide proof of vaccination/booster shots in order to volunteer at City-sponsored events. Masks are not required but are strongly recommended.

Turn your compassion into action and help us keep our parks healthy!

No experience is necessary! All tools and instructions will be provided. Please bring a filled water bottle, snacks, and wear closed toe shoes.

Dress for the weather! The event will be held–rain or shine!

Important–All COVID-19 protocols will be followed for now. Please stay home if you are sick.

Please download the Volunteer Service Agreement and bring the form with you to the event. Extra forms are available at the registration table on the day of the event!

Note: All persons under 17 must have a parent’s signature. Community service hours are given for middle and high school students!

To find the document click the link: https://www.sanjoseca.gov/home/showpublisheddocument/61834/637310999202700000

Please use the address provided on Eventbrite and cancel your ticket if you cannot make it to the event.

See you at the park!


December 10, 2023
1:00 pm - 3:30 pm


Buena Vista Park
494 Menker Ave
San Jose, CA 95128 United States
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