Black Surf Santa Cruz is hosting our fourth annual Liberation Paddle Out event in celebration of Juneteenth at Cowell Beach. Come join us!
Black Surf Santa Cruz is hosting our fourth annual Liberation Paddle Out event in commemoration of Juneteenth at Cowell Beach.
The Liberation Paddle Out is a celebration inviting both BSSC members and the general public for a day out on the ocean.
The LPO is a free event and a full day of fun including:
- live DJ on the beach
- beach games & prizes
- paddle-out
- paddle-out lessons
- free equipment (while supplies last)
- delicious food
- fun with community, and more!
This event wouldn’t be possible without our incredible sponsors and community support.
Thank you to all of our sponsors and supporters:
- CA Coastal Conservancy
- Ocean Conservancy
Basking Shark:
- Oswald Restaurant
- Resources Legacy Fund
- Pacific Catch
Leopard Shark:
- Black Health Matters Initiative of Santa Cruz County
- Santa Cruz County Office of Education
- Santa Cruz Community Credit Union
- Santa Cruz Beach Boardwalk