You’re lovingly invited to this truly rich possibility playground, featuring connection activites designed by Alara Tiernan, as well as a full community ZEGG forum.
What is ZEGG Forum? It’s a connection experiment where we reveal whatever is authentic, alive and true within us as we form a community from deep within the hearts of those present. The goal of Forum is to reveal what is alive but not known to all. The community sits in a circle, forming a stage for one person at a time to stand and show what is true for them. Facilitators may assist the person (or “presenter”) to reveal themselves more deeply. Afterward, community members may offer reflections, or “mirrors” on what they saw.
Whether it’s your first time, or you’re returning to forum, I hope you join us for this half day intimacy extravaganza!
Our intention for these gatherings is to:
If you would like to facilitate this forum, please email me. True to New Culture style, we value experimentation and getting a chance to be safely imperfect. If you have been to a facilitator training and want practice, this is a good place to get some fly time! Newbies will always be paired with experienced facilitators so you won’t be flying solo.
Want to offer a connection experience or activity? Please email me. We value shared leadership and receiving gifts that the community wishes to offer!
You’re welcome to bring your favorite people!
: )
SCHEDULE : Sunday, March 31st. Doors open at 2 pm. We begin activites by 2:30. Final gooey goodbyes by 9 pm.
LOCATION: Sunnyvale, CA — address given in final details
POTLUCK: Appetizers, salads, desserts, main dishes are all welcome (Assume 20-30 people). Appetizers, salads, desserts, main dishes are all welcome. Gluten free appreciated since we have a few folks who are gluten sensitive.
WELLNESS: Take a rapid test before you arrive. Show us the negative test or a photo at the door.
REGISTER: $40 – 95, sliding scale based on your abundance.
No one turned away for lack of funds.
Refund requests honored 10 days before event.
If you need to use another payment method due to technical difficulties:
If going outside of eventbrite, please be sure and mention what event this is for and your email address when you make the donation so I can be sure to get the final details to you!
❤ Thank you for being a part of this ongoing experiment in connection, culture and love.
If you have any questions, you can email me: