Join Cafe Ohlone, Coyote Hills Regional Park, and The Marine Mammal Center as we embark on a winter hike through the marshes, along the bay shore, and up the hill, led by Cafe Ohlone co-founders and chefs Vincent Medina and Louis Trevino. Learn about Ohlone language, culture, and history; how the Ohlone people use shoreline plants; and the importance of protecting the bay for humans and marine mammals. Our hope is that you leave this event knowing more about Ohlone culture, as well as what you can do to conserve local ecosystems and traditions.
Primary language spoken in this program will be English (the Café Ohlone team will also be sharing about the Chochenyo and Rumsen languages)
Note: Parking passes and lunch will be provided
Looking for an opportunity to become more involved with The Marine Mammal Center’s work and make a real difference for the ocean and marine mammals you love? You’re invited to join The Marine Mammal Center for Stewardship Saturday, a program for high school students in grades 9-12.
Sign up now for these free learning opportunities with rotating events along our 600-mile range exploring the science of the Center, learning more about ocean conservation, connecting with local conservation communities, and more.
You can join us for one event or attend monthly, all at no cost. All events will include the opportunity to learn more about ocean conservation and how to start taking action now.
No experience is needed, and all high school youth are encouraged to participate!