Join the Young Birders Club for a morning bird walk at Byxbee Park! We’ll search the marshy sloughs at low tide for wintering waterfowl, explore the green grasslands for meadowlarks and sparrows, and keep an eye to the sky for soaring raptors and gulls.
This trip is designed for young birders, but parents and siblings are welcome to attend. We welcome birders of all skill levels! Loaner binoculars are available for participants.
Meet: Byxbee Park Parking Lot
Parking: Main parking lot or dirt overflow parking area just before the left turn into the main parking lot. If that is also full, return to the “T” intersection, drive straight through and park in the first lot to your right (37.455403, -122.109472). It will be about a 5 minute walk to the meeting spot.
Latitude/Longitude: 37.451015, -122.106613.
Directions: From US-101, take the Embarcadero Road North exit; continue on Embarcadero Road for about three quarters of a mile to a “T;” turn right at the “T” onto Embarcadero Road; drive to the parking lot beside the restrooms.